Sunday 7 January 2018


 A Volcanoes occur where molten rock called Magma erupts from under Earth's surface.An exploding volcano is one of the most incredible and dangerous sight on our planet. Volcanoes often form near the boundaries between tectonic plates., but they can also form elsewhere ,at "hot spots" where hot rocks moves upwards from deep inside Earth. There are about 550 active volcanoes on land, and more under the sea.

 Hot ,molten rock the flows across the ground is called LAVA. It keeps this name even after it has cooled down and solidified into rock. Lava  comes in different forms depending on what it is made of, how stiff or runny it is, and how fast it flows.
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      A'A LAVA
 This is a thick lava flow made of basalt .Its surface is made up to loose, broken, and sharp chunks of lava that can tumble down the front of the lava flow as it moves.

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This is basalt lava with an unbroken surface. As it flows, its surface skin is gradually stretched .The end result can end up looking either smooth or rope- like.

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 These chunks of lava farm when stiff-flowing lava breaks up into angular blocks. These lava blocks have smoother faces than a'a lava.

Image result for volcano blocky lava

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