Saturday 6 January 2018


                        SURVIVAL SECRETS

 Animal have a special feature that is not shared by other living thing such as plant and fungi - they are active . Most animal look for food ,communicate with each other , and have complex pattern of behavior  connected with finding mates and producing young . This involves sensing their surroundings,and in some cases making decision based on past experience. But ultimately, all this activity has just one aim- survival. 

                           PARENTAL CARE
 Many animals, including most fish , produce hundreds or thousands of egg , because most of the young that hutch from them will not survive. Other animal produce fewer eggs or young, but they look after them for a short while to improve their chances of survival . The parents defend their young and either feed them or show them how to find food.A few animals provide care for many months or even years, during which times they teach their offspring vital life skills.

 This caterpillar of a tropical blue morpho butterfly has just hatched from its egg .Its mother has provided for it by laying the egg on a plant that it can eat, but apart from this , the caterpillar has to fend for itself . It relies on its instincts and a defensive chemical to protect it from hungry birds, but the caterpillar will be very lucky to survive long enough to turn into an adult butterfly.

Image result for caterpillar with their baby

                       GENTLE JAWS
 A mother crocodiles stays by her nest of eggs for nearly three months, waiting for them to hatch. As soon as she hears the first squeaks, she digs them out,helps the babies emerge from the eggs and carefully carries her young to the water in her jaws.she then guards them for survival months while they learn to hunt small animals for themselves.
Image result for crocodiles with their baby

                       LONG CHILDHOOD
 A young wolf is brought  up as part of a family - a wolf pack. At first , the pup is cared for by its mother , who provides nourishing milk.
        But gradually , it learns to eat meat brought back to the den. When the pup is old enough, it starts hunting with the rest of the pack, copying what they do and learning all the skills that it will need to survive and raise its own family.

 Image result for wolf with their baby

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