Saturday 6 January 2018


                              LIFE OF LAND
    Different climates create different types of habitat for life on 
land.Warm ,Wet places grow lush forests. For example-while hot ,dry regions develop deserts. These are just two of the world's principal habitat division , or biomes. Each biome consists of many areas, human activity such as farming has completely changed their character.


          Vast areas of Scandinavia, Russia ,Alaska, and Canada are covered with coniferous forest - home to moose, beavers, and wolves.
       High mountain ranges have arctic climates near the peaks.
Where few plant grow. Animals must cope in dangerous terrain.

         These Topical grasslands with wet and dry seasons support huge herds of grazing animal and powerful predators.
          The ice that forms on cold oceans is a refuge for animals 
that  hunt in the water . That continental ice sheet are almost lifeless.

         The evergreen forests that grow near the equators are the richest of all biomes , with a huge diversity of plant and animal life.

  •  DESERT 
         Some deserts are barren rock and sand , but many support a range of plants and animal adapted to survive the dry conditions.

         These region on the fringes of polar ice sheets thaw out in summer and attract animal such as reindeer and nesting birds.

         Dry scrub regions such as around the Mediterranean, are home to a rich insect life and drought -resistant shrubs and plants.

        The dry ,grassy prairies with hot summers and cold winters,support grazing herds such as antelope and bison.

        In cool ,moist regions, many trees grow fast in summer but lose their leaves in winter. The Wildlife here changes with the seasons.

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