Friday 5 January 2018



 These consisted of cetropsians, like this pentaceratops with its 
huge horned neck-frill, and pachycephalosaurs with very strong , 
armoured skulls .

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 Spinosaurus was one of the biggest theropods- the group that 
        included all the powerful hunters. They all walked on their hind legs,and many had feathers.

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  One of the most successful groups of dinosauras , the ornithopods ranged from light weight animals that ran on two legs to heavy weights like this Muttaburrasaurus. They were all plant-eaters.
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 The thyreophorans included the heavily armoured ankylosaurs and stegosauras such as this spiny Kentrosaurus.

                         Related image

 The  sauropodomorphs included the biggest dinosaus- colossal animal such as Brachiosaurus .They were all plant-eaters that supported their immense weight on four pillar-like legs resembling those of elephants. They had very long necks.Which were often balanced by equally long tails.

Image result for sauropodomorphs

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