Thursday 22 February 2018


              GREAT WHITE SHARK

 The most terrifying predator on the planet, the great white shark combines almost supernatural sense with a set of teeth that can slice through prey like a chainsaw.
             Most sharks are efficient hunters , but  the great white is in a class of its own . It is much bigger than any other killer sharks and far more powerful . The great white's  super-efficient propulsion system drives it through the water at shattering speed as it charges in for the attack , and its array of senses enable the shark to target its prey in complete darkness with deadly accuracy. The shark,s broad ,razo-edged teeth are specially adapted for butchering large prey . rather than simply swallowing small victims whole .Even a single bite can be lethal. 

        BODY PARTS
         just below the snout are the super-sensitive nostrils that enable the great white to detect a single droop of blood floating in 10 billion drops of water.

 Special sense-
           All the sharks sense are highly tuned. Most amazing of all is its ability to detect the minute electrical impulses generated by the muscles of other animals. It picks these up with a network of sensors in pores on its snout called the ampullae of Lorenzini - first describe by Italian physician stefano  lorenzini in 1678

          The shark's eye have internal reflectors like a cat's eyes, increasing their sensitivity to make the most of dim under water light.

    Serrated teeth-
                Each triangular tooth has a serrated knife edge . ideal for shearing through the tough skin ,flesh, and bone of the sharks favourite  prey- warm -blooded  marine mammals such as seals . The great white has up to seven rows of  teeth.

    This a heavier than the heart of a typical shark. with thicker muscles to pump blood around the body more efficiently.

 Pectoral fins-
    The long pectoral fins help with stability and act like wings as the shark swim forward ,stopping it sinking. 

 Gill arches-
     Five gill arches on each side support and protect the delicate gills that absorb vital oxygen from the water and release wate carbon dioxide.

 Dorsal fin-
       The tall , pointed dorsal fin helps keep the shark up right and on track  as it swims.It covered with skin and supported by a strong internal skeleton.

  Back bone-
        The sharks spine consists of a long . Flexible chain of vertebrae, made of cartilage like the rest of its skeleton.

    The intestine is short but food has to pass around an internal spiral, slowing its passage foe better digestion.

   Occupying almost a quarter of the sharks body is the liver, It is rich in oil , which is lighter than water and this provides the shark with buoyancy to help stop it sinking.

Tail muscles-
     The tail is driven by two types of muscles -special high-stamina red muscles for steady cruising all day, and powerful white muscles foe brief, high speed attacks.

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