Wednesday 10 January 2018


                           FUELLING THE BODY

  Every cell in the human body needs to continual supply of fuel and oxygen in order to stay alive. The fuel comes from the food we eat ,while oxygen comes from the air. Inside each cell, food molecules and oxygen are chemically combined to release the energy needed to power the cell's activities. Several body systems work together to supply cell with fuel and oxygen carry away waste . These include the digestive system, the respiratory system , the circulatory system, and the urinary system.


Food is a mixture of many different organic compounds,including carbohydrates ,fats, and proteins. These compounds are made of long , chain-like molecules that are too big to pass into the blood and enter body tissue .The process of digestion breaks down these large molecules into smaller units that are easy to absorb. Digestion turns carbohydrates into sugar ,protein into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids.


The part of the body that break down food make up digestive system .Digestion begins in the mouth ,which breaks down food physically , swallowed food then passes to the stomach and intestines, where it broken down chemically .The intestines also absorb the products of digestion and expel the undigested remains.

Image result for digestive system diagram


 The main nutrients in food are proteins ,which help the body build and repairs tissues ; carbohydrates , which provide energy , and fats , which are used for storing energy . A healthy diet should also include plant fiber, which s indigestible but helps the intestines work , as well as essential chemicals called vitamins and minerals, which are needed in small amounts. A varied mixture of different types of food 

 Image result for healthy diet chart

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