Thursday 4 January 2018


                                THE UNIVERSE

 The Universe is the whole of existence --
          all of space, matter ,energy and time .The Universe
is so vast as to be unimaginable ,but we do know that it is steadily expanding following its beginning 13.8 billion years ago in an explosive event called BIG BANG.

                             UNDERSTANDING THE                                             UNIVERSE 
 People used to think of the universe as a giant sphere ,
 but we now that things are not so simple .The universe 
probable has no centre or outer edge.only a fraction of it - the observable universe-is visible to us.
          The whole universe may be vastly bigger than this, perhaps infinitely so.

 A dense universe would bend itself into a closed shape.
 travelling in a straight line would bring you back to your starting point.

  If the universe isn't dense enough ,it might stretch into an
"open" shape,making it infinite in size with no outer edgeImage result for image of open universe image

 Just the right amount of matter would give the universe a flat
 shape .This would also be infinite in size with no outer edge.
                                                                             Image result for image of flat universe

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